If you missed part one of this Organic Marketing blog make sure to check it out HERE!

Social media is free to set up with the whole appeal being engagement. It is expected for a business to put money in for the initial growth. Maybe in the form of a boosted post, which from time to time can be a great bang for your buck. For local or regional businesses, the likelihood is you will begin to hit the same targets. The people who have already committed to following you deserve some thanks, all the while helping yourself. Say for instance you have 300 followers on Facebook, how can you use those followers to grow your business?

Create a post that offers a coupon or deal for any one who likes the page as well as likes and shares the post. Every time one of your follows shares that post their friends list is seeing your post, increasing awareness and hopefully your following! This can work on other social channels as well, take the same example and adapt it to Twitter asking followers to retweet. Just like with the email marketing in part 1 this is a simple and no cost way to grow your business.

In the marketing world social media is very often attacked for not having the ROI, return on investment, that other forms of marketing. This may be the case for the many companies who go about it the wrong way. They are possibly putting large sums of money expecting to get a mass return without putting a targeted plan together. Maybe if they just looked at things organically and instead of putting money into a campaign they used the resources in front of them they’d find what they’ve been missing. What are your opinions on Organic Marketing and what have been your experiences with organic marketing vs paid?