Feeling Confident in Your Brand

Feeling Confident in Your Brand

You’re at a networking event, in a room with prominent decision makers, company owners and influential individuals.  You shake hands with a person that could be your next big client.  He hands you his business card.  You break out in a cold sweat. The big moment has come and you’ve fumbled the ball…again.  Not feeling confident in your marketing materials hurts. (more…)

Power of Organic Marketing Part 2

If you missed part one of this Organic Marketing blog make sure to check it out HERE!

Social media is free to set up with the whole appeal being engagement. It is expected for a business to put money in for the initial growth. Maybe in the form of a boosted post, which from time to time can be a great bang for your buck. For local or regional businesses, the likelihood is you will begin to hit the same targets. The people who have already committed to following you deserve some thanks, all the while helping yourself. Say for instance you have 300 followers on Facebook, how can you use those followers to grow your business? (more…)