The role of a graphic designer can vary from studio to studio.  Here, one of our designers tells her story and intrigue with the industry:

While growing up, we’re frequently asked what we would like to do someday. The most common answers are probably occupations like police men, doctors, firemen, politicians etc. As a society we value these jobs because they make an impact on the way we live. Police men enforce the law, doctors give us medical attention, firemen save us from burning buildings, and politicians lead our country. And while all these jobs are influential and extremely important, people tend to not realize that occupations in the arts are important too. If creative people cannot flourish, our world will ultimately become dull and boring.

graphic designer tells her storyBut what does being a graphic designer actually mean? For me, it’s the equilibrium between technology, sociology, and art. Technology is so intriguing. It’s constantly changing and evolving into something cooler and better. It’s an aid to any designer because it simplifies the process. And as for the sociology part…  Our choices and decisions in the design world affect everybody. We are completely surrounded in a world built by designers. Any physical object we see or own was at one point advertised and packaged by designers. Advances in style and trends are created by designers. Signs, billboards, fonts, and packaging are all strategically made in order to catch people’s attention and draw them in. We tend to not realize it, but so much of our daily lives are impacted by graphic design.

We take for granted the things we see and experience everyday. But leave it to graphic designers to constantly come up with new ideas on branding and creating identities. They create timeless logos that have graced the shelves of stores for years. They make countless business cards, posters, pamphlets and websites. They find the perfect balance between simplicity and chaos. They use the right fonts and colors to convey an emotion. Graphic designers are truly a force to be reckoned with.

Samantha is currently a freshman at Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, studying Graphic Design, and sounds like she is loving every minute of it!