I sat with a new customer yesterday and talked about her company branding strategy. She said things like “We are all over the place, we don’t have a real direction. We put out ads and don’t know if they are effective.”
This is a common dilemma for companies. In an effort to promote themselves, they find themselves grabbing at opportunities that come along, finding themselves in the position of being “all over the place”, not having a consistent look and feel. This diminishes the relationship you have with your customer.

Your logo design should tell your company brand story.
What is the solution? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Companies need a solid company branding strategy in order to capture their target audience and win their favor.
When this client told me the story of her company, it was truly a heart-warming one. She expressed that her and her husband were truly the backbone of the organization. They had been doing this for 30 years and to this day signed off on every job that left the office. Their dedication to the their customer and the community was unparalleled. They have an extremely high standard and have maintained their integrity, earning the respect of the local community and neighboring counties.
My response to her description was …telling that story. I propose that the true story is often the best story. I encouraged her to tell her customers why she does what she does, not only what she does. Sure she has a product, many people do. Not many people have her motivations. Her and her husband actually care about their customer. Goodness for them is seeing a customer happily utilizing their product… that’s the story to tell in their branding.
Telling that story is “another story”. How to communicate to your specific target audience who you are is the job of a brand strategist. In today’s social media landscape, there a many opportunities for businesses to convey their story.
We like to sit with our customers and listen closely to their stories. In their words we hear clues. We form images, ideas and through the process of branding can help them establish a solid company branding strategy that will effectively display the true essence of their company or product, through logo design, tagline, website, and printed collateral.
What is your true brand story? We’d love to hear it.