Why Your Company Would Thrive from a Pinterest Account

Why Your Company Would Thrive from a Pinterest Account

Move on over Facebook, it’s Pinterest’s time to shine. Any business owner could figure out that the two most popular social media networking sites are Facebook & Twitter. They could figure out those two are the most utilized sites to promote businesses. What they may not figure out is that Pinterest is a rapidly expanding and growing source of interaction within the social media-sphere. (more…)

Facebook Gives an Intimate Look

Facebook Gives an Intimate Look

My 20-year-old daughter made a simple, profound statement recently.  Jana said, “I like when company’s have a Facebook page because it gives you a more intimate look into who they really are.” She went on to explain that a company’s website is all polished and on its “best behavior”, giving visitors the most positive representation of their product.  But when you click on their social media links, you get to see the real deal…who the really are. (more…)