WE BELIEVE that a professionally designed, unique logo will help your business succeed. We refer to the beginning of our graphic design process as “cannon fire”.
“Cannon Fire” is basically this. As we start the process of creating proprietary graphics for our client, we just start spitting out ideas. Many of them never make it to the Phase 1 design presentation, but, they are definitely necessary for the process. We find we always have to weed out the not so great designs to find the best ones.
We have worked this way for years. We start sketching out ideas in the beginning until we start to see some images we like. We always seem to produce a decent amount of “clunkers” along with the designs that seem to come together & work well!

Here our client displays our Phase 2 Refinements for his customers to see.
Getting to know the shape of the word of your logo is a critical first step. How the letterforms work together is also an important point. I was taught proper letter spacing in my college years and have been using those lessons ever since.
Every job produces it’s share of “cannon fire”. I like to print out my work and hang it up on the wall in our studio. As designs make it to the critique wall, it becomes clear as to what is working for us and what is not. It’s obvious which designs are singing to us and which graphic design solutions are falling flat. We also see which typefaces look good on which logo and which ones just don’t fit. Check out a typical Phase One presentation here.
I’ll spend a lot of time on a design, trying to make it work, when in the end, it was only just “cannon fire”. But, it’s awesome when it happens!