If you want to learn about graphic design, hang out with a graphic designer, our house is full of them!  And everyone is a critic, ugh!  While our careers in the design field advanced, my husband and I started to realized that our styles were very complimentary. We were both what I call “meat and potatoes” designers, meaning, we designed graphics for the common man, the kind of packaging design that a “regular” person would pick up off the shelf.  Nothing too boutique-y..Nothing to industrial. Just middle of the road, simple solid graphic design.

As I reflect on why I chose to learn about graphic design, I realize we had both chosen packaging design for separate reasons. I chose to enter the package design field because I really wanted to design for the common man. I wanted to design stuff that my mom would pick up off the shelf at Waldbaums..I thought it would be cool to see my work on the shelves of supermarkets…and it was.

Here I am at my desk as a young graphic designer, pencil behind my ear and ready to go!

Here I am at my desk as a young graphic designer, pencil behind my ear and ready to go!

I’ll never for get the day I saw my first package on the shelf.

It was a Vicks cough drop package..And there it was on the shelf of Duane Reade in New York City. Woo..I felt I ahead arrived—My work was out in public on the shelf of an actual store.. Yahoo!

My husband liked the “dimensional” aspect of package design. He liked the idea of creating not only the front panel graphics, but also extending the look & feel onto the additional panels and how that all works together.  But, he also loves seeing his work out in public, and on the store shelves.

I have been designing graphics for over thirty years now… loving every minute, well sort of. My studio is located in Croton on Hudson, New York.

If you need to learn about graphic design because you have a business or product that needs a logo…call us and let’s talk (914)582-9353