Is your business branding for you product or service solving your customer’s problem?  If not, they will be buying from someone else.  Your brand has to be the only answer to your customer’s pain.

Does your customer know immediately what you stand for?  Is your logo design clearly stating the essence of your business brand?  Does your tagline give your customer that extra “ah ha” moment where they pick up the phone and give you a call?

Your Business Brand’s First Impression

What is your customer’s first impression of your business brand?  Communicating who you are through your graphic representation of your company is your big chance to attract business and ensure repeat customers.  Today’s consumer is savvy.  They know whether you chose to hire a professional or do-it-yourself.  It’s very apparent in the visual environment we live in.

Storefront signage is a great example of my point.  There are many “sign-guys” out there that promise a beautiful curb-appeal sign for your storefront.  The only problem is, they are not professional graphic designers.  They don’t have the experience in visual communication that a logo design specialist would have.  So, you wind up with a generic looking sign, nothing special.nothing unique.  You’ve missed a golden opportunity to tell the world that your business brand is the answer to their need.


Social media, email marketing, website design are tools you can use and update yourself to make your brand relevant and cutting edge in today’s competitive marketplace.  Remember to think about where your customer is spending their time..chances are they are browsing the web for their next purchase.

As author Joseph Parker states in his article, The Dark Knight’s Philosophy of Branding,  finding the “why” of your brand is the essence.  Why should I buy from you? What is your unique selling feature?  When you answer this question in your brand story, you win your customer.

Notice the branding for On Track Garage Doors below.  We designed a brand program that stands out, gets noticed and solves the need of their client, like the guy whose garage door never worked properly.

At Hudson Valley Graphic Design we help our clients determine how to solve their client’s needs by using their business branding.  Contact us for a consultation.  (914) 582-9353

Business Branding for On Track Garage Doors