Make a Killer First Impression with Your Brand Logo

Make a Killer First Impression with Your Brand Logo

You never get a second chance at a first impression. This applies to your brand logo and website homepage as well as everything else. The message your brand’s logo communicates in that split second first impression is a lasting one and one that you, dare say, will never be able to get rid of. (more…)

Capturing the Essence of Your Company is Your Tagline’s Job

Capturing the Essence of Your Company is Your Tagline’s Job

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Your company tagline is an important piece of your brand-building puzzle.  It goes one step deeper than your logo design by identifying your brand and capturing its simple identity,  its essence.

As you build your brand you must be able to identify your product or service in a quick short phrase.  (more…)

Choosing a Name for Your Business Brand

Choosing a Name for Your Business Brand

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Choosing just the right name for your business brand can be a daunting task. Should it be short and cute? Should it be solid and credentialed? Should it be catchy? All these things must be considered when you start a company or launch a product. We help our clients created impressive compelling names for their products or service. (more…)