Move on over Facebook, it’s Pinterest’s time to shine. Any business owner could figure out that the two most popular social media networking sites are Facebook & Twitter. They could figure out those two are the most utilized sites to promote businesses. What they may not figure out is that Pinterest is a rapidly expanding and growing source of interaction within the social media-sphere.

 What the heck is Pinterest?

Pinterest is ”a visual discovery tool that people use to collect ideas for their different projects and interests.” It’s a way for people to collect and organize all things they love in one place. You can save your favorite book, dress, workout gear, quote, vacation spot, recipe, homemade Christmas decoration, etc., all saved in one convenient place – all organized into categories that YOU create! It’s even better when you accumulate a list of people to “follow” so you can see and share their great ideas too!

pinterest boards for designHow do you share the things you find? You “Pin” it! Pinterest has it’s own unique “Pin It” button that brings up a small box for you to insert a comment about what you’re sharing, and then posts it to your page. Simple as that!


Why does my business need it?

 Pinterest is one of the easiest social media tools to have, that’s why! You find a great idea (in the form of a picture) – and you share it. (Just be sure to give credit where credit is due!) Is your business a retail store? Pin pictures of your inventory. Is your business not retail? Put pictures in with your blog posts and pin your blog. Re-pin anything you can find to get your name out there. Pinterest is one of the most interactive social media tools without being hard to do. Not only is it easy, but it will help with the branding of your company. It is another place for your logo, and your business information. Why not utilize it!


You don’t even need a Twitter or Facebook account to have a Pinterest! You can set it up with just an email account. If you choose to connect your other social media outlets, there is a much greater chance of being recognized. Then, you can share your pins on the other sources with just the click of a button. They make it so easy for us: They have a Twitter box to click on if you want to share it on your Twitter! Can’t beat it!


Some fun Pinterest Facts

  • Launched in March of 2010
  • 80% of Pinterest users are women
  • 500,000 Pinterest Business accounts

What we’re saying is: There’s no reason NOT to have a Pinterest account. It’s too easy not to have. The majority of people don’t comment on your Pins – they just share it, so there’s very minimal monitoring to do. Need help setting up an account? Let us know! We can help with all of your branding needs!